ECD E-Tool 4

Early Childhood Development Checklist E-Tool for Kindergarten Teachers


ECD E-TOOL 4 is an automated or an electronic REVISED PHILIPPINE EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST intended for DepEd kindergarten teachers. The development was started on December 2019. The first released was on April 2, 2020.


  • ≈28MB: Downloadable as compressed executable installation setup file.
  • Expands to ≈80MB when installed.
  • Programming Language: Python
  • Graphical User Interface(GUI) Framework: WxPython
  • Stand-alone Desktop App
  • Runs only on Windows OS, Builds for Mac or Linux are not available (We do not have access in these Operating System for now)


  • Shareware


  • ECD E-TOOL 4 aims to be utilised by any DepED Teachers of the Republic of the Philippines.


  1. Windows Operating System: Windows 7 to Windows 10
  2. Windows Operating System with x32 bit or x64bit processing architecture
  3. At least 1GB of memory (RAM)
  4. At least 80MB of free disk space


  • April 2, 2020


  1. There is NO NEED TO TYPE relevant data such as LEARNER'S NAME, DOB, ADDRESS, PARENT'S NAME, because with just few clicks you can simply Import data from SF1 if available. Note: You do NOT NEED to MODIFY or CHANGE anything in your SF1. ECD E-Tool can read your SF1 directly , regardless of class size, and even Excel or any spreadsheet programs are not installed in your computer.
  2. Data synchronization with LIS data through SF1. You can always sync updated SF1 data to your Checklist as often as you want.
  3. No need to setup your computer system regional clock settings or format. If your computer or system clock/date setting is not the same with the date formatting of excel template it will result to an erroneous value, and sometimes unnoticed. Unlike other eccd checklist excel templates, ECD E-Tool manages its own date system for calculating ages.
  4. No enrollment limit per class for both boys and girls.
  5. Supports multiple classes in a single file. This will allow you to manage your checklist across your classes.
  6. It has built-in class level summary report
  7. It has built-in school level summary report, district , and even division summary report
  8. Supports DIRECT PRINTING for HARD-COPY of forms.
  9. Results are automatically calculated from calculation of raw score, age, standard score up to the interpretation.
  10. You can import multiple files for easy consolidation and reporting for school, district, and even division level.
  11. It has data plotting feature for easy data visualization.
  12. It is a stand-alone application. You don't need to install MS Excel.
  13. The installed ECD E-Tool 4 app renders the lightweight and portable ".ecddb" file which is the actual data of your ECD checklist. The ".ecddb" file format is automatically associated to your installed ECD E-Tool 4 app which is provoked to render or read the ".ecddb" file when that file is clicked or opened in file explorer.


  • For instructions, manual or tutorial please click here.


File Version Download Size Download
ECD E-Tool 4 setup file Build 0034 ~30MB Download